Tyrannosaurus Rex: 20 Questions and Answers

The Tyrannosaurus Rex, often abbreviated as T-Rex, is one of the most well-known dinosaurs in popular culture. Its name, derived from Greek and Latin words, holds a significant meaning that resonates with its fearsome reputation. This article will delve into 20 intriguing questions and answers about this fascinating creature.

1. What Does T-Rex Mean?

The term ‘T-Rex’ comes from the Greek word ‘tyranno,’ which means ‘tyrant,’ and the Latin word ‘rex,’ which means ‘king.’ Therefore, the T-Rex is known as the ‘Tyrant King,’ a fitting title considering its size and predatory nature.

2. How Long Did a T-Rex Live?

Based on fossil evidence, scientists estimate that a T-Rex could live up to 30 years. However, reaching such an age would have been quite an achievement given the harsh and competitive environment they lived in.

3. How Long Did T-Rex Exist?

The T-Rex roamed the earth during the late Cretaceous Period, approximately 68 to 66 million years ago. This means that the species existed for around 2 million years before their extinction.

4. What Color is a T-Rex?

The exact color of a T-Rex is still a topic of debate among paleontologists due to the lack of conclusive evidence. Some theories suggest they might have been green or brown, allowing them to blend with their environment, while others propose more vibrant colors.

5. Was T-Rex Smart?

While we can’t measure a T-Rex’s intelligence as we would a human’s, paleontologists have made some educated guesses. Based on brain size relative to body size, T-Rex was likely among the smartest of the dinosaurs.

6. Good Names for a T-Rex?

If you’re looking for a name for your imaginary or toy T-Rex, consider names that reflect its ‘kingly’ status, such as Rex, Monarch, or Sovereign. Alternatively, you could choose a name inspired by its feared reputation like Jaws, Fang, or Thunder.

7. Journey to the Center of the Earth: Tyrannosaurus Rex

In the novel “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” and subsequent film adaptations, the protagonists encounter prehistoric creatures, including a T-Rex. This depiction has played a significant role in popularizing the image of T-Rex as a formidable predator.

8-20. Jurassic Park: A T-Rex Study Guide

The movie Jurassic Park has significantly contributed to the popular image of the T-Rex. In the following sections, we will explore some key questions about the T-Rex as depicted in the film, providing a sort of ‘video worksheet’ for Jurassic Park.

What Role Does T-Rex Play in Jurassic Park?

In Jurassic Park, the T-Rex is both a terrifying antagonist and an unexpected hero. Its escape from confinement leads to several tense scenes, but it also ends up saving the main characters from other threats.

How Accurate is the T-Rex Depiction in Jurassic Park?

While Jurassic Park’s T-Rex is based on scientific knowledge from the time, some aspects have been challenged with more recent findings. For example, it’s now believed that T-Rex had feathers and their speed was likely slower than depicted in the film.

How Does Jurassic Park Use T-Rex to Explore Themes of Power and Control?

The T-Rex’s escape and subsequent rampage underscore the movie’s theme about the dangers of humans trying to control and commercialize nature. The T-Rex, as the ‘king’ of the dinosaurs, symbolizes nature’s ultimate power and unpredictability.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into these topics, consider using a “Jurassic Park movie questions answer key” or a “Jurassic Park video worksheet answer key” to guide your viewing and discussion of the film.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex continues to captivate us, whether through its depiction in films like Jurassic Park or our ongoing quest to understand its life millions of years ago. As we continue to learn more about this ‘Tyrant King,’ we can only expect our fascination to grow

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